Friday, January 26, 2007

Ghost Ride the Poorly Researched UK Media Coverage

"This particular sport, so far practised only by disciples of a certain strain of hip-hop music from the American West Coast, involves abandoning the wheel of your car and dancing on the roof while it is moving." - The Independent

Apparently The Independent hasn't looked at Youtube.......ever. Because all we see on there is suburban America ghost riding their parent's whips, not some hip-hop disciples.

It's hard to trust a news-source that can't even spell "hyphy" right (the story refers to the hyphe movement). Sure, the British can get away with "shoppe," but there is no way we will allow their revisionist spelling here.

Fuck ghost riding the whippe.


Blogger Rufus said...

You misspelled "Independent" as "Independant", which slightly undermines the strength of your argument.

1/27/2007 8:25 AM  
Blogger ghost ride the whip said...

Good looking out. We here at ghost ride the whip can admit when we make a spelling mistake.

The question is, can the Independent?

1/27/2007 12:51 PM  

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